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MAGI Status Tool

The status tool can be used to
  • check MAGI’s status on experiment nodes
  • reboot MAGI daemon process
  • download logs from experiment nodes

This tool is run for one experiment at a time. The user needs to provide the project name and the experiment name to the tool.

This tool, by default, works for all of the nodes corresponding to the given experiment. However, it can be made to work with a restricted set of nodes, either by directly providing the set of interested nodes, or by providing an AAL (experiment procedure) file to fetch the set of desired nodes.

This tool by default only informs if the MAGI daemon process on a node is reachable or not. Specific options can be used to fetch group membership details and information about active agents.

Incase a reboot of MAGI daemon is desired, the tool first reboots MAGI daemon processes on the experiment nodes, and then fetches their status.

If the tool is asked to download logs, it just does that, and does not fetch the status.

Usage: [options]

Script to get the status of MAGI daemon processes on experiment nodes,
to reboot them if required, and to download logs.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PROJECT, --project=PROJECT
                        Project name
  -e EXPERIMENT, --experiment=EXPERIMENT
                        Experiment name
  -n NODES, --nodes=NODES
                        Comma-separated list of the nodes to reboot MAGI
  -a AAL, --aal=AAL     The yaml-based procedure file to extract the list of
  -l, --logs            Fetch logs. The -o/--logoutdir option is applicable
                        only when fetching logs.
  -o LOGOUTDIR, --logoutdir=LOGOUTDIR
                        Store logs under the given directory. Default: /tmp
  -g, --groupmembership
                        Fetch group membership detail
  -i, --agentinfo       Fetch loaded agent information
  -t TIMEOUT, --timeout=TIMEOUT
                        Number of seconds to wait to receive the status reply
                        from the nodes on the overlay
  -r, --reboot          Reboot nodes. The following options are applicable
                        only when rebooting.
  -d DISTPATH, --distpath=DISTPATH
                        Location of the distribution
  -U, --noupdate        Do not update the system before installing MAGI
  -N, --noinstall       Do not install MAGI and the supporting libraries

MAGI Graph Creation Tool

MAGI Graph is a graph generator for experiments executed on DETER Lab using MAGI. The tool fetches the required data using MAGI’s data management layer and generates a graph in PNG format. This tool can be executed from either the Deter Ops machine or a remote computer with access to internet. The data to be plotted and other graph features are configurable.

The various command line options are as follows

Usage: [options]

Plots the graph for an experiment based on parameters provided.
Experiment Configuration File OR Project and Experiment Name
needs to be provided to be able to connect to the experiment.
Need to provide build a graph specific configuration for plotting.

 -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                     Experiment name
 -p PROJECT, --project=PROJECT
                     Project name
                     Experiment configuration file
 -c CONFIG, --config=CONFIG
                     Graph configuration file
 -a AGENT, --agent=AGENT
                     Agent name. This is used to fetch available database
 -l AAL, --aal=AAL     AAL (experiment procedure) file. This is also used to
                     fetch available database fields
 -o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT
                     Output graph file. Default: graph.png
 -t, --tunnel          Tell the tool to tunnel request through Deter Ops
 -u USERNAME, --username=USERNAME
                     Username for creating tunnel. Required only if
                     different from current shell username.

This tool expects the user to provide a configuration file. The format of the configuration file needs to be similar to the sample configuration file provided below.

   type: line
   xLabel: Time(sec)
   yLabel: Bytes
   title: Traffic plot
   agent: monitor_agent
        host: servernode
        peerNode: clientnode
        trafficDirection: out
   xValue: created
   yValue: bytes

The configuartion is divided into two parts a) Graph options b) Database options. Graph options are used to configure the type of graph and the various labels. Whereas, the database options help the tool fetch the data to be plotted.

Each record stored in the database using MAGI’s database layer has the following three fields along with any other that an agent populates.

  1. agent: Agent Name
  2. host: Node of which the agent is hosted
  3. created: Timestamp of when the record is created

In the above mentioned example, data populated by the agent named “monitor_agent” hosted on the node named “servernode” will be fetched. The data would further be filtered on the configured values of peerNode and trafficDirection, which are agent specific fields.

Among the fetched data, values corresponding to the fields, created and bytes, will be plotted correspoding to the x and the y axis, respectively.