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4.5. Daemon Agent

The following methods are built in to the daemon and are therefore available as soon as it starts. They are all available via the “daemon” dock.

4.5.1. loadAgent

Execute is used to upload and execute a new agent. This can be used to load new agents or run ‘scripts’ that in turn send control messages to other nodes. Rather than loading all agents on all nodes at experiment swap in, agents are pushed to the nodes that need them.

version: 1.0
method: loadAgent
  name: wgetHTTPClient
  dock: wget
  tardata: <dataencoded in base64>
      - hello
      - world

4.5.2. join

join lets a controlling node form messaging groups without having to address each node individually. The processing node will join the given group if it is a member of the node list.

version: 1.0
method: join
  group: wclient1
  nodes: [n1, n2, n3]

4.5.3. leave

join lets a controlling node tear down messaging groups without having to address each node individually. The processing node will leave the given group if it is a member of the node list.

version: 1.0
method: join
  group: wclient1
  nodes: [n1, n2, n3]

4.5.4. ping

The ping method lets a remote object determine if a node is alive or to query the active members of a messaging group.

version: 1.0
method: ping
args: []

4.5.5. putfile

The put method lets a remote object place a file on a node (or multiple nodes)

version: 1.0
method: put
  name: /tmp/datafile
  data: MIMEEncodedData

4.5.6. getfile

The get method lets a remote object retreieve a file from a node (or multiple nodes)

version: 1.0
method: get
  name: /tmp/datafile

4.5.7. IDL